Ac-i-prim® with lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacilli, also called lactic acid bacteria, are found in abundance. They are the guardians of the small intestine. This means that they ensure that the balance between pathogenic (= disease-causing) and apathogenic (= non disease-causing) bacteria in the body remains stable.

Lactic acid bacteria however can do much more:

In addition to their metabolic product of lactic acid, lactic acid substances, for example, produce many substances that for the most part we do not even understand and cannot supply synthetically to the body. We are only at the beginning of our knowledge concerning these special bacteria. There is currently speculation regarding the human body concerning this: is it the number of calories supplied through food or is it bacteria that have the greatest influence on human body weight!

I have gained many new insights in over 15 years of working with lactic acid bacteria.

It is not only the displacing effects of lactobacilli on disease-causing germs, but also the metabolic performance of these small bacilli that have continually fascinated me.

How they manage to improve the metabolism of food and significantly increase the appetite for food remains a mystery to me to this day. Especially since the higher food intake does not correlate with a higher body fat intake, but on the contrary, builds up more muscle tissue in the body. Better food metabolism also means higher energy potential.

I have also observed that lactobacilli may also influence the metabolism of minerals. Thin-skinned hatching eggs are not necessarily the result of a mineral deficiency. Missing substances (not yet known), which we cannot supply synthetically, but which are produced by lactobacilli, can close the missing links in the mineral balance chain.

There are many other new and interesting findings in the handling of lactic acid bacteria but I will not go into further detail here.
So I have remained true to my course and rely only on pure lactobacillus (lactobacillus acidophilus), which offers all the beneficial properties that have proven themselves over so many years. The properties of lactobacilli are not the only relevant factors when probiotic products are used. Everything has to fit. The success of a probiotic product also depends to a large extent on the amount of bacteria added. A high number of lactic acid bacteria in the mixture does not mean high bacterial stability at the same time. This stability however is crucial for the success of such a product. What use is it to the user if a high number of bacteria is reported but the mixture does not correspond and careless handling (i.e. lack of packaging equipment and improper storage) of these bacteria results in the number of living bacteria not being present when such products are used?

In 15 years, Re-scha® has learned how to handle lactobacilli and to control all product-relevant processes in the pharmaceutical sector in such a way that they are as close as possible to the optimum range.

Re-scha´s® current new product with the name “Ac-i-prim®“ is a straightforward continuation of the former product. Ac-i-prim® is currently still designated as a “food supplement for laying hens and chickens for fattening”. Re-scha® and his team are working intensively on the expansion of this lactobacillus acidophilus for all “minor types” (= economically irrelevant poultry: e.g. carrier pigeons, exotic birds, pheasants, etc.) in Brussels.
The high quality standard of Ac-i-prim® is corroborated by the testing of a GMP laboratory for the number of living lactobacilli germs in the product. Re-scha® leaves nothing to chance.